At Summer's End

Summer is warm and pink, the same floral dress worn day in and day out. Open in the back to let a rare breeze flow through. Berries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; an endless flow of sparkling liquids. Rain all day, nights spent running through crowds. Attached to tall boys with big smiles and floppy hair, names like the gospel. Walking slightly ahead, their heads turn back to take your hand, to hear you better, to see your face as they finish a story. Musical, in a lazy, distant way.

Raquel Reyes

Summer has been a busy time for all of us at the Attic what with lots of essays, conferences, internships, new jobs, and family obligations. Here are some of our Editors top photos from their respective summers!

We hope you'll enjoy and that you'll stay tuned as we come back from summer holidays with a series of new posts over the weekend.