Five Things to Do this March

Five Things to Do This March 2020 The Attic on Eighth.JPG

It’s here! The first breaths of spring. It seems like we’ve been waiting forever, after a winter that never quite made itself known. Long days inside with endless colds, stilting rainy weather, the allure of spring fashion just crying out from our wardrobes. The world may not quite be ready for us to stop hibernating, especially with the health risks of the day (wash your hands, disinfect your surfaces!!), but we’re definitely ready to get out of our February funks… 

Here’s what we’re doing to embrace the early days of spring. Join us, and if you post about it, be sure to tag it as #springtimeattheattic! We’ll be looking and sharing our favorites!

Get Outside

Yes, we keep telling you this, but it’s because it’s good for you! Seriously. Or at least as long as it doesn’t involve going into crowds this month. Go to a park or a forest or a local garden. Look for the first buds of the year. Depending on where you are or what the weather’s been like recently, flowers are starting to bloom and trees to blossom. Onion variety bulbs especially… daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, muscari. They’re out there, and they’re waiting for you to find them. Look at them. Breathe them in. Snap a photo. Beautiful things are coming. 

Cook Some Greens

It’s asparagus season, after all. The snow is thawing. Our favorite books are begging to be read (and rererereread), and those little green spikes are pushing through the ground. Cook them, bake them, make some risotto, and think of Bunny. 

Let in the Sunshine

Open your blinds, and maybe clean your windows. Winter leads to a lot of gray skies, and we can often forget how grimy our windows can get at the same time. You know how the world suddenly gets sharper after you clean your glasses? Give your home the same treatment and bask in early spring sunlight as you drink your morning coffee and talk to your plants. They’ll be grateful, too.

Reflect & Rejoice 

Often at the end of a season, we can be so eager and excited to move on to what’s next that we forget to look back and appreciate what we’ve accomplished or experienced recently. It may feel like winter lasted eons, but lots of good may have happened during the season that can easily be forgotten. Think back to books you read, films you watched, conversations you had, and meals you enjoyed. Think back to whatever brought you a moment (or two or three) of joy. Did you pick up a new hobby? Spend time with a dear friend? Whatever it is, take time to pause and reflect and bring it with you into the spring. 

Make a Resolution

The new year isn’t the only time for rebirth, or the decision to make changes in your life. There’s no imperfect time to pick up a new habit or hobby. Think about the different things you’d like to bring into your life – boundaries you’d like to establish, relationships you’d like to heal, new languages you’d like to learn, skills you’d like to study, etc. – and lay the groundwork to make it possible. There’s no time like the present! 

Olivia Gündüz-Willemin is Editor-in-Chief of The Attic on Eighth. She is dedicated to reading her way through the world and trying to stay as calm as possible.